The Astrological Society of Princeton, N.J., Inc.

2023-2024 Meeting Schedule:

Our monthly meetings start at 2:00 PM.  


Currently, all of our meetings are being presented online via Zoom.

Sunday, October 8th, 2023

NOTE: This meeting will be conducted as a live online presentation via Zoom.  Once you register for the webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before the meeting.

Sun Kientz, "Eris, Pluto's Antidote and Guide to a Friendlier Future"
With Eris as big as Pluto, she has the savvy and gumption to resolve deep-seated, egocentric life and relationship issues. Either as Connector or Deflector, Eris tests one's social cred. Using chart examples of the famous (good, bad, and ugly), you'll see why your charts need Eris!

Sue Kientz, author of More Plutos (2015), has studied astrology since 1977 and specializes in the largest Dwarf Planets (Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, Gonggong, Quaoar, Orcus, and others). The discovery and subsequent revelation of the Dwarfs as valid astrological archetypes are a breakthrough for astrologers, Sue insists, that also leads to explanations of mysteries like secondary progression and how Astrology “works”, suggesting Astrology’s vindication is within reach. Visit to read free book chapters from More Plutos as well as her other published articles, Dwarf Planet keywords, and many fun facts.; E-mail:

You must register in advance to attend this lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P. members.  You can register for this online meeting webinar by pressing the button below:

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Sunday, November 12th, 2023

NOTE: This meeting will be conducted as a live online presentation via Zoom.  Once you register for the webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before the meeting.

Dr. H., "Towards Falsification of Mundane Astrology with Bound Sign Subdivisions"
Dr. H returns to ASP for his next forecast for the Regulus USA National Horoscope, the 4-Jul-1776 rectification he published in 2009 with an Ascendant of 26SA54’40”. Using Directing through the Bounds, a Hellenistic/Medieval application of primary directions, the prediction will cover the changeover from the current Ascendant Distributor of Mars/Virgo to Saturn/Virgo in early 2026 and what the USA should see in the late 2020s. This is the same predictive technique that Dr. H used to predict the end of the craft beer fad in April 2017. Predictions will be framed in the falsification method advocated by Karl Popper in order to distinguish science from pseudoscience. Those interested in astrology as science, prediction, primary directions, the essential dignity known as the bounds, and (Hint!) the fate of Google should plan to attend this presentation.

Dr. H is nom de plume of the founder of Regulus Astrology LLC which specializes in testing the validity of recently recovered techniques of Medieval and Hellenistic astrology. He received his Diploma in Medieval Predictive Astrology from Robert Zoller in 2005. Two self-published titles are available: A Rectification Manual: The American Presidency (2022, 4th edition) and America is Born: Introducing the Regulus USA National Horoscope (2021, 2nd edition). His website is:

You must register in advance to attend this lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P. members.  You can register for this online meeting webinar by pressing the button below:

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Sunday, December 10th, 2023

The annual A.S.P. Holiday Party. 

Sunday, January 14th, 2024

NOTE: This meeting will be conducted as a live online presentation via Zoom.  Once you register for the webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before the meeting.

Sheri Horn Hasan, "The Fight for Women’s Equality in America: The History of the U.S. Sibly Chart’s Chiron Return, Women’s Rights, & the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election"
At its founding, America’s laws did not include women in their concept of equality. From Abigail Adams’ 1776 plea to her husband John Adams, “don’t forget the ladies” to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision on June 24, 2022, learn how the triggering of the natal U.S. Sibly Chart’s Chiron configuration illustrates this nation’s long history of the fight for women’s rights.

This talk will first delineate the deeper meaning of these natal Chiron aspects in the Sibly chart and the nation’s history of woundedness related to equality in partnership. This lecture then explores the incremental historical gains—and setbacks—for women’s rights made during each of the first four U.S. Chiron returns culminating with the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973.

The fight for women’s equality became an issue yet again when transiting Chiron in the 4th House first squared the U.S. 7th House Cancer Sun on April 18, 2022, approximately two months before the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous June 24, 2022, Dobbs decision restricting women’s rights. At that time, transiting Chiron once again triggered the U.S. natal 7th House Cancer Sun’s T-square to its 10th House Libra Saturn/Juno, which oppose its 4th House Aries Chiron.

The question now becomes what to expect as transiting Chiron retrogrades back and forth, continuing to activate this natal T-square as it approaches its next exact return on April 20, 2024--and how the issue of women’s equality may impact the next U.S. Presidential election on November 4, 2024. At that time, transiting Chiron retrograde will be minutes away from its second exact return and its exact opposition to Juno on November 7, 2024, before it makes its final exact return February 18, 2025.

This lecture will explore through astrological insight whether American women will rally and use their hard earned right to vote to both save & restore their individual right to bodily autonomy and equality for the future!

Sheri Horn Hasan holds a Master’s Certification from Steven Forrest’s Evolutionary Astrology Apprenticeship Program, an intermediate level certification from Liz Greene’s Centre for Psychological Astrology (CPA), and diploma from John Green’s Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA.) Sheri also completed past life regression training via evolutionary astrologer Patricia Walsh’s Heal The Past program.

Practicing professionally since 2008--and a five-time Amazon #1 Bestseller author/editor since 2011--Sheri’s mission is to help clients move from chaos to clarity to learn their soul’s true mission & purpose in this lifetime through astrological insight. .

In addition, Sheri helps listeners connect more consciously to the cosmos via her weekly podcast “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” at which presents current Astro News You Can Use to a wide audience.

Currently a board member of the Astrological Society of Princeton (A.S.P.), Sheri served on the NCGR Philly board from 2016-19, is a former publications director for the national NCGR, & has lectured for ASP, NCGR Philly, NCGR Northern NJ, Astrology Ireland, the Cosmic Intelligence Agency, Cosmic Astrology, and other local groups.

You must register in advance to attend this lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P. members.  You can register for this online meeting webinar by pressing the button below:

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Sunday, February 11th, 2024

NOTE: This meeting will be conducted as a live online presentation via Zoom.  Once you register for the webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before the meeting.

Kenneth Bowser, "The 2024 Presidential Election"
The 2024 election will be the most consequential in our lifetimes and the year will include many unexpected twists and turns. This presentation includes a look at the natal and solar return charts of the two front runners, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It also includes a look at the natal and return charts for the US and the chart of the presidency itself. It also touches upon the U.S. Pluto return, which, by sidereal reckoning, occurs three times in 2024. 

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session and group discussion.

Kenneth Bowser, author of An Introduction to Western Sidereal Astrology (2012), Primary Directions and the Horoscope of the United States (2015), and The Western Sidereal Interpretation Workbook (2020), has studied both astrology and ancient history for over fifty years. Known for his careful scholarship in the field of ancient astrology, Ken lectures at astrological conferences in the US and Europe and regularly teaches classes on a variety of astrological subjects. He can be reached at

You must register in advance to attend this lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P. members.  You can register for this online meeting webinar by pressing the button below:

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Sunday, March 10th, 2024

NOTE: This meeting will be conducted as a live online presentation via Zoom.  Once you register for the webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before the meeting.

Wendell Perry, "Generational Astrology: Natal Astrology in Generational Terms"
We’re hearing a lot more people talk astrology these days, saying things like “He’s a Virgo” or “Typical Leo.” We’re also hearing people make remarks about generations like “I’m a Millennial” or “Just like a Boomer.” What happens when you bring those things together? What happens is Generational Astrology.

Generational Astrology is the study of those large groups of people who share the same sign positions of Neptune and Pluto. In an amazing number of instances that the years in which these two planets change signs match the conventional demarcation used for generations. But that’s only the beginning. Generational Astrology illuminates how each generation, and the individuals within each generation, are shaped by the times in which they live. It also shows us how each generation shapes those times. Though Generational Astrology we learn how the progression of generations has helped form the history of the 20th and 21st centuries and our place in that history.

Wendell Perry is an artist and astrologer living in Lexington, Ky. He and his wife, Linda, are the co-authors of “The Mars Venus Affair.”  He also authored “Saturn Cycles: Mapping the Changes in Your Life,” “Behind the Horoscope” and “The Lunar Nodes..” All four books were published by Llewellyn Worldwide. Wendell is on the executive board of the Astrological Society of Kentucky and he maintains a blog on his website,, in which he writes about politics and current events. He can be reached at

You must register in advance to attend this lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P. members.  You can register for this online meeting webinar by pressing the button below:

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Sunday, April 14th, 2024

NOTE: This meeting will be conducted as a live online presentation via Zoom.  Once you register for the webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before the meeting.

Moses Siregar, "Ceres: The Other Great Benefic"
Moses argues that the fact that we have mostly ignored Ceres since 1801 represents one of the greatest mistakes we astrologers have collectively made. Now classified as a dwarf planet, like Pluto, she is a very different celestial object than any of the two million asteroids around her. She is the mythological sister of Zeus, a kind and humble figure offering great benevolence, but without Jupiterian excesses such as entitlement. After tracking her correlations closely over the last 20 years through his full-time work as a locational astrologer (with 30 total years in practice), Moses presents with joy and good cheer that there are in fact two great benefics in each of our charts. Now Ceres stands ready, as she has since 1801, to fully join the modern astrological pantheon.

Moses Siregar last attended ASP as a young child in the late 70s or early 80s. Today, he has practiced an East/West blend of astrology he calls Holistic Astrology for 30 years and earned a reputation as one of the leading locational astrologers. He was the first president of the Association for Young Astrologers, the organizer of the Blast Astrology Conference in Sedona, and the first annual recipient of the Stella award given by the Arizona Society of Astrologers. He lives in Prescott, AZ and enjoys helping clients and students navigate their lives by the wandering stars.

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Sunday, May 12th, 2024

NOTE: This meeting will be conducted as a live online presentation via Zoom.  Once you register for the webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before the meeting.

Bill Meridian, "Planetary Stock Trading"
Bill Meridian developed his stock trading technique in the 1970s, which resulted in the publication of a book by the same name  The book is now in its 4th edition.

Bill has deployed this method both professionally and privately.  He currently generates most of his income from the "earnings surprise method," which will be the subject of this lecture.

Bill Meridian has been in the investment and astrology fields since 1972 and specializes in mundane and financial astrology. He studied core-energetic therapy with Dr. John Pierrakos. He has authored four books. In 2002 and in 2016, he was ranked the number 1 stock market timer in the US by Timer Digest. He was ranked number 3 in all-time market forecasting by TD over 20 years. He wrote the mundane column for Dell Horoscope from 1990 through 2020 and has recently agreed to continue his writing in The Mountain Astrologer. He is also a contributing writer at In April 2020, he was elected the board of the new Foundation for the Study of Cycles. He currently manages money and advises institutions from his home in Vienna, Austria.

You must register in advance to attend this lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P. members.  You can register for this online meeting webinar by pressing the button below:

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Sunday, June 9th, 2024

NOTE: This meeting will be conducted as a live online presentation via Zoom.  Once you register for the webinar (see below), you will receive email instructions providing details on how to access the talk. These will be sent on the day before the meeting.

Bruce Scofield, "More Hot Topics In Astrology"
In a follow-up to last year's popular talk, Bruce will again consider some major issues, historical and contemporary, that have been debated in the field of astrology.  This year's hot topics include "Determining Determinism" -- a look at fate and free-will in astrology from a historical, philosophical and psychological perspective. Second on the program will be "Venus: Sex or Menace" -- an exploration of how Venus affects the world in the context of the Mesoamerican astrological system, and if it is as benign as most astrologers assume.  These topics, and possibly others, will be presented in part as a discussion to allow those who attend a chance to participate in the arguments central to these issues of great importance to the future of astrology.

Bruce Scofield began studying astrology in 1967 and has earned a living as an astrological consultant since 1980. In the early 1980's he passed astrological certification tests from both the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) and the National Council for Geocosmic Research (CA-NCGR) and during the 1990's was the national education director for the latter organization for five years. He is on the faculty of Kepler College ( and maintains a private practice based in Amherst, Massachusetts, working with clients by telephone and email. Bruce often speaks at astrology conferences and meetings and is the author of numerous articles and eight books on astrology. He is a frequent writer for the Mountain Astrologer magazine and the Llewellyn Moon and Sun Sign books, and has had articles published in the NCGR Journal, Dell Horoscope, American Astrology and many other astrological magazines and journals. Bruce has several other interests including science, hiking, photography, music, and archaeology and has had articles, books and creative works published in those areas as well. He holds a BA in history from Rutgers University, an MA in social sciences from Montclair University and a PhD in Geosciences from the University of Massachusetts where he has taught cosmic evolution and Gaia Theory. His website is

You must register in advance to attend this lecture; cost is $5 for A.S.P. members/students, and $20 for non-A.S.P. members.  You can register for this online meeting webinar by pressing the button below:

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